MFInvestor Network Conference



I Got My First 3 Listings In Under 30 Days!

I have been in Real Estate investing and mentoring for several years now. I have heard about using Air Bnb to maximize your rentals but never looked into it really because I was focused on other things. I came across your program and decided to check it out. I have to say that I was very impressed with the layout of the course, the information and all the resources you provided. It was clear, and straight to the point. I am very pleased with my results after following your instructions, within 60 days I have my first listing in downtown Philadelphia and have 2 more coming within the next 30 days! I couldn't be happier. This strategy will be huge for my buy and hold business. I will definitely be recommending your strategy and course to all of my students! I really like how you suggest vendors that you use to remove your self from the daily grind so to say, that part alone is worth the price of admission! Thanks again for doing such a good, thorough job. I'm looking forward to one day catching up with you. Thanks again! - Pete Todd-Burke

First Property Listed In Less Than 7 Days.

I had never heard of Air BNB until I viewed the seminar training by Brian. Since I had lost my dear wife of almost 54 years a year earlier I decided that I had more house than I needed for just myself and that changing the open front basement into an Air BNB would be a good use of my residence. I was able just last week to get my property listed and am looking forward to a rewarding experience of added income. - Kenneth W Stoner

I Started With No Experience...

I found the content in the BnB Formula is extremely well laid out, in very actionable steps. Brian thoroughly explains, in the simplest of terms, every last detail to starting this business from scratch and with no experience. I followed each module and did exactly what Brian had laid out for me to do and I went in to my interviews with the landlords so confident and appearing so knowledgeable that no body even once questioned my experience ( I had none) this came as a shock to me since I can be very shy and try to avoid such confrontation. But after taking the course I just came in with literally everything I needed to know to hit the ground running. By week 5 I already had my first property and by week 6 or 7 I started on the 2nd one.  All the little extra tips and tricks that Brian shows you along the way goes a tremendous amount in the eyes of my guests as all my reviews have been 5 stars and the comments I have received tell me that what I am doing is a step above the rest. If you take this course and you take it seriously there is no doubt in my mind you can replicate this success as well. - Cam Audet

It was very easy to follow Brian’s training program and make it my own.

One of the things I liked best about Brian’s course was the way he instills the importance of establishing processes from the very beginning, and partnering them with tools to systematize his processes. For instance I have fallen in love with Trello and have found that it is an indispensable tool for simplifying both personal and business activities. I have set up templates on Trello to help quickly duplicate my “on boarding” and marketing processes as I pick up additional properties. I also copied Brian’s lists and made them into my own forms with my branding. This impresses the cleaning crews that I hire and helps avoid miscommunication. In addition, I have set up Lockstate WiFi locks at properties to manage them together and I have had a consultation with Guesty to understand how they will be able to support me as my business grows. Rather than setting out wine, I chose to set out a french-press Espresso Maker and fresh ground coffee with paper coffee cups — since my business is called Espresso Hosting. I am ordering labels to place on small the cups to promote my brand/logo. Overall, it was very easy to follow Brian’s training program and make it my own in the process. The video training sections are broken down into short and easy-to-follow clips that were straightforward, and quick-to-the-point so we could review as needed, or watch one again with one of my teammates. The training calls were also very informational, offered terrific ideas and were inspiring. Thank you for sharing your processes and business model with me — it has been a fun journey so far! - Lisa Taskerud

We have 6 guest bookings totaling 32 nights averaging $152 a night!

My husband Carl and I are so enjoying the BnB Formula training. Brian Page is an excellent mentor and we are please beyond mere words for his highly experienced and detailed guidance. We wanted to have vacation rental properties but were full of fear and doubt it could work for us. Having the course to follow has given us the confidence and helped us get our first property set up and going. We're happy to report we have 6 guest bookings totaling 32 nights averaging $152 a night all within the first week of our listing going live! Wow! What we like about the course is how Brian breaks the business down into simple actionable steps that we could actually accomplish week by week. We're certain taking the course shorten our learning curve tremendously. Had we not done the course, we might have made some very costly and time consuming mistakes as the wealth of knowledge we are receiving from Brian would take years on our own. Also, the weekly calls have been extremely helpful as well and make us feel we’re part of a highly exclusive and privileged inner circle since there are people from all over the world asking very good questions which Brain so graciously and expertly answers. Thank you, Brian from the bottom of our hearts for all the work you have done in putting together such a truly brilliant business model and superb training. Not having to own the properties was a stroke of pure genius and we can't wait to get our next ones going. - Suni Rae and Carl Lemke

I appreciated the course because it was simple and easy to follow. 

The step by step guidance helped me put things that I would need to start my business into action as I progressed each week. So by the time I got to the point of speaking with the first landlord, I had set up my LLC, created a website and email address, established a business address and opened a commercial bank account. This helped me to present myself and my business in a professional manner. Although it was difficult getting real estate agents to wrap their heads around the concept, when I spoke directly with landlords I found that they could understand it. I put my unit on Airbnb and within 5 hours I had my first request for a stay! I will be speaking with Guesty tomorrow because I intend to build this business effectively. The great part of this course it that I can go back and review information as I need it. Good Stuff! Thank you Brian, for sharing!! - Karen Johnson

Brian I absolutely loved “everything” about your course!

I signed up for your course on Thanksgiving Day and am truly thankful for everything you have taught me through the course.
I was already doing allot of the things the way you were. I was using Lockstate for the properties, providing a bottle of wine for my guests, bulk shampoo/conditioner/body wash dispensers and micro managing the calendar to fill the “orphan” days. My favorite part now is NOT trying to buy property! Since going through the course I have picked up 5 leases for properties by following your step by step instructions. All in two weeks! This is just the beginning of a wonderfully rewarding business.
I did fast forward the course but didn’t miss a step. I will look into guesty in the new year as I will be managing 10 properties by year end. My goal is to acquire a new property every month going forward. I cant thank you enough for your guidance and positive outlook. You are a true inspiration. I am greatful to you and the BNB Formula ... I am making it happen in Saskatchewan. :) - Sandra T

It only took 2 weeks to implement after I found a property. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. One of the easiest courses to implement. The step by step process is incredible and must be followed for success. I do believe that one doesn't need to reinvent the wheel so you just need to keep at it with MASSIVE ACTION! It only took 2 weeks to implement after I found a property. Once I did all the necessary steps, it was quite simple. But the key is to make sure your pictures are perfect. I'm the first 4 days of listing the home on Airbnb, my first full month has been nearly booked and December is nearly half way there. With a minimum amount of upfront capital, I just created cash flow out of thin air thanks to the BNB Formula. - Luis

I received my first booking request on the SECOND DAY!

I didn’t know much about AirBnB and had never even made my own reservation on AirBnB before I watched the webinar. However, Brian’s thoroughness and step by step process – along with the money back guarantee – was enough for me to sign up! I devoured the lessons and was ready to go. I felt very comfortable and not out on a limb with creating my first listing. I just kept following Brian’s instructions. Once I went LIVE, I was super excited to receive my first booking request on the SECOND DAY! Even though I wanted to say “Yes,” I asked the guest to submit a verified government ID and get it verified just like Brian said. The guest got the id verified and I welcomed my first guest within 48 hours of my listing going live. Now I’m organizing my info and going after my second listing. Thank you so much for creating your system Brian! - Delaina Gallardo

Have reserved $2,220 in reservations in 30 days.

I sat in on the webinar September 4th. Signed a lease on a 2 bedroom apartment for $995 on September 22nd. Had it furnished by September 29th. Had it listed for rent beginning October 5th. Have reserved $2,220 in reservations as of October 16th. Already working on 2 listing. Great info....thanks!!! - Troy Kingsbury

This BNB Formula online course was exceptionally well done.

I sure now that the day I've found the BNB Formula was my lucky day! It helped me and guided me all the way until I could welcome my first guest in my vacation rental house. For me as a person living in the USA only for for years, and still learning the English language, always the video course is the best way to learn.
This BNB Formula online course was exceptionally well done, I could understand everything right away. The lessons are very detailed about every issue what one can face during the first weeks. They follow each other in a the proper sequence. This way if someone doesn't have the time to watch it all at once like I did, still can start working on his Airbnb business step by step.
The supporting written materials, like e.g. checklist, they are also a tremendous help. I personally followed the guidelines very carefully and tried to do everything as it was advised by Brian. Where I didn't for some reason, I was always sorry later because either I spent to much money or spent more time than needed on that issue. I signed up with all the recommended partners, like Vivint for SmartHome system and did not regret it. I bought all the supplies where I was introduced to during the course. 
This was the only way to proceed fast enough to be able to list in less than 8 weeks from knowing absolutely nothing about this vacation rental business. 
Originally I was going to flip this investment property of my LLC. It was a fairly good deal and just in a couple of months I could have made nice profit on it. But after I read about the vacation rental opportunity, which seems to be a good business to try in Colorado Springs, I've started to look around for online courses. There are a few out there and I checked quite a few of them. But this was far the best in my opinion, and now I'm convinced about it. My investment property was still under remodeling inside and outside when I got access to the course. I started to watch the videos and found it interesting enough to watch the whole online course in 4 days. I made notes about it and the 5th day I started to work out my individual plan to be able to list as soon as I can. It was a very hard time for me, because flipping a house or prepare to list it on Airbnb, a little different story.  
But yes, I could list the property in less than 6 weeks because I just had to follow the guidelines.  After the second day of listing on Airbnb, I got the first booking. I even got lucky because it was booked for 5 weeks right away to start with. Now I'm looking forward to go after other people's property and set up the first vacation house which I don't own. I'm sure, that's where the real power of this course is and will show me, how to make money from other people's property. Thank you for your work! - Zoltan

I got a reservation in 1 week!

Thank you Brian for your BNB Formula! I learned a lot from the program and was able to get a listing after joining it! After setting up the property according to some of the tips Brian taught in the program, I got a reservation in 1 week! This is amazing! Thank you for sharing your knowledge! Can’t wait to implements more tips from the program! - Tiffany Quiroga (Lin)

I knew this BNB formula would be priceless.

I heard about BNB formula when Brian was speaking at the Airbnb Mastery Summit this year. I instantly knew that his educational program was exactly what I was looking for to take my airbnb side income and upgrade it into an actual business. It may sound like something you can figure out on your own, but I knew I could benefit from the guidance and it turned out to be a LOT more than I thought. It was a no brainer for me to invest into the course even though for me it was a significant financial risk, I knew the tested formula would be priceless. How can you put a price on not having to waste time and money on learning from your own mistakes? What I love about the course is the way it keeps me focused and not doing too much at once and all the information I wouldn’t even think of, like how to set up a legitimate business, office mailing address and more. I’m not an airbnb novice, as I’m already a super host, but I am a business novice, so it was hugely beneficial for me to have that guidance. However, I think the most priceless part of the course is all the encouragement that we’re not risking our time and money but building our financial freedom and future, that following the course there’s almost a fool-proof guarantee that we will be successful if we follow Brian’s path that he laid out for us. Thanks to the course I was able to find my first property within a month, set up my business and stay organized, as a result I'm confident, motivated and looking forward to a time-rich lifestyle which will allow me to do what I always wanted - explore the world. - Sofia Shershunovich

We highly recommend his BNBFormula course to you.

My wife Sally and I are very grateful to Brian for his course on finding properties and staging them for Airbnb rental. We had been looking for a real estate niche that would enable us to generate a new stream of income without demanding a lot of time. He does a great job of helping you think through all phases of the process to get a house or condo up and running. His monthly coaching calls have been very helpful at sharing best practices and keeping us up to date on the latest in the vacation rental industry. We highly recommend his BNBFormula course to you. - Clarke and Sally

Investing in Brian Page's BNB Formula program is one of the best investments I've ever made.

I first heard Brian speak on a Master Class webinar with Dan Kleyman - then with Cody Sperber, Cameron Dunlap and Preston Ely. I respect all these guys and I knew Brian must be the real deal to have gotten all these guys attention.  

I've been spinning my wheels for several months trying to wholesale real estate and have invested many dollars convinced I could make it work - and I will. However, when I heard Brian's plan for AirBNB and how he had earned over six figures in six months, I felt this was definitely worth a try! Especially since he was so confident that if you followed his plan, implemented the steps and host a property within 60 days, he would totally refund your investment, so what did I have to lose.

I immediately purchased Brian's BNB Formula and got to work. I followed each instruction and implemented everything exactly like Brian stated in the first four modules of the training. Everything needed to duplicate and implement the process is provided in the training modules. I'm so glad I took the steps needed and within a short time I was able to find a fabulous one bed, one bath apartment already furnished at a monthly rent I could afford. The landlord liked my professionalism and agreed to a six month lease to start. He liked the idea and is familiar with AirBNB. And yes, I used the landlord letter for my talking points. Needless to say, I will continue my BNB Formula training, continue to find great properties and plan to scale to a minimum of 10 properties over the next year! Thanks Brian and staff for all your help and for putting together this exceptional BNB Formula training. - Cathy D. Steverson, CEO

4 bookings within 6 hours!

Even though I’ve had a single vacation rental for a couple years, I could tell Brian’s training would help me take things to the next level and turn this into a real business. He explains succinctly how to get started with your first property, but the focus is on multiple properties and setting up systems to optimize efficiency. He thought of things that had never occurred to me before. I had my first property (after his training) up and online in 28 days and had 4 bookings within 6 hours! Well worth the investment. - Teri N

I want to thank you for sharing your skills with the world.

Hi Brian, I'm super excited about your program. I heard you on Jack Bosch's podcast and I knew immediately that your business plan was for me. I bought your program on a Wednesday and got my first Yes that Saturday!!!!!! I'm so excited that I had to email you about it. I'm in Guam and I got a 2bd/2ba fully furnished condo for $1200 a month with ALL utilities included! I got a yes so fast that now I need to find $2400 before Oct 30. I want to thank you for sharing your skills with the world. Its Greatly appreciated! I will be sure to let you know when I have it listed. - Keilah Johnson 

He made it clear he would want nothing more than for me to succeed.

Brian's course gave me the confidence to get out there and actually talk to homeowners that would be open to the short term rental model. I followed the guidelines closely and was quickly able to get through to homeowners that are interested in the short term rental model. The Landlord Letter and other resources provided proved to be super helpful in helping home owners gain confidence in me and my business model. When I would get stuck with a question or objection, Brian was more than willing to help and was very responsive. He made it clear he would want nothing more than for me to succeed at this. Thanks Brian! Thanks again for all your help Brian, looking forward to seeing what else you do in the future. - Kyle Barton

The short videos are informative & helpful.

I was excited by the listing results in the webinar & was confident we could achieve the same. The short videos are informative & helpful. This venture has required a lot of start up cash & we went over budget. We had one short booking, but AirBNB withholds the funds to new hosts by 30 days. So, there’s no cash flow to recoup costs for a while. We are counting on the $997 refund to help with our expenses. - Sarah Thierry

Invaluable tips that helped me tremendously setting up my 1st AIRBNB.

What I liked about the BNB Formula course was that it provided invaluable tips that helped me tremendously setting up my first AIRBNB. By following all the tips and tricks that Brian taught in his course, I have been able to generate 7 perfect 5 star reviews in my first month on the AIRBNB platform! Wahoo! A great tip for instance, NOT letting guests have an early check-in was an invaluable tip. I had this request several times, and I'm so glad I said no - I said no politely and with a reason, but still "no." Turns out the guest who wanted in early, was late, and didn't even show up til 4 hours later!  - Lynette Heale

This course was easily the best investment I have ever made as a real estate investor.

This course was easily the best investment I have ever made as a real estate investor. Being involved as a traditional real estate investor for few years, this new niche that Brian discovered to build a big airbnb business using other people's properties really caught my attention. The BnB Formula provides you with all the knowledge you need to capitalize in building a large short term rental business quickly! Brian provided great explanations and was very thorough in explaining everything that you need to complete in each module. If you have the ability to take action and be a great copycat, your confidence and excitement will grow tremendously each week. Brian’s tips and checklists provided made me confident when approaching partners needed such as the cleaning company that you will be perceived as an expert and easy to work with. I love how the course is broken down into an 8 weeks making it clear what you need to accomplish to be sure you are progressing each day. We were able to complete our first listing and are getting new inquiries and bookings every week on airbnb. We are 60 days into this journey and are onto staging our second property already! - Derek McQuaide

Unlimited potential for a 6 or 7 figure income w/o much capital or risk.

We were impressed with the simplicity of the course you offered. The attention to detail that the course offers can be easily followed by anyone who wants to start this business. The unique business model that your course offers has an unlimited potential for a six or seven figure income without much capital or risk. I have been a student of Tim Ferris's 4-hour work week for quite awhile and your system incorporates both of my passions into one easy to follow course. Love it. By following your methods the review for our first quest was outstanding. - Dale Sloan

Overall great course!

I enjoyed the course. I really liked the section on automation with cleaners and setting up serviceCEO. Also, the section on how to work with landlords was essential. Overall great course and I found a property, closed the deal and got it furnished and listed on Airbnb within about 4 weeks finishing the course. - Mike Gandia

If a person applies himself they almost cannot fail.

The course offered for me many, many details that I didn’t have to learn about the hard way – checklists, tips, what to expect etc. Brian really has done a nice job on this. If a person applies himself they almost cannot fail. I am doing this in my hometown and also in Florida where I have procured another property, I’m on my way! - Kevin Kelly

Brian’s BNB Formula was like a kick in the pants!

We had one listing when we started the course, 4 before our 8 weeks of the course were done, and 4 more in the pipeline! The practical tips are so necessary when trying to scale a business like this. Plus, the landlord letter and tips on how to approach and “court” landlords was so needed for us. This extra income from these rentals has been great for our family too- allowing us more time to spend with our kids. We recommend BNB Formula to all our friends!!! - Natalie Oman

The BNB Formula was just what I needed to start my first AirBnB. 

It is an 8 week program that is informative & gives you actions to take to keep you moving forward. Had I not bought the program I would still be researching the subject & wondering if I could actually be successful, probably to the point where I would have not taken any action at all. There were plenty of safe guards in place that allowed me to make the decision to purchase the program knowing that I could not lose. I rented an apartment & had 3 weeks booked within the first 24hrs of me publishing my AirBnB & 3 months booked with 3 days. I have just been tweaking my processes since. Thanks Brian! - Chad Rachal

Brian's program is a complete guide to getting your first property.

Just follow the steps. To date, we have reservations that make month 1 and 2 cashflow positive already. If you follow the steps, this will work for you as well. I have reviewed the material 3 times now just to tweak how things are going to make the process even tighter and more compelling for prospective guests. - Michael LoMonaco

It’s so simple I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it.

I found the course really valuable especially because i already have hosting experience. I fast tracked the course in a matter of just a few weeks because I already had hosting experience and knew these things that Brian talked about were totally doable and I was excited to make it happen. My business cards haven’t even arrived yet and I already have my first property that I don’t own! It’s so simple I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it. The property I have is in the same building that I already own in and I plan to keep all my properties within a mile radius of each other. My plan is to manage between 5- 10 properties before i quit my job. I travel a lot and this will fit in with my lifestyle just perfectly.

I learned so much about how to improve my previous listings (that I own) from this course as well so I would highly recommend it for any Airbnb hosts even if they don’t plan on accruing more properties. Thanks so much, Brian, for all your hard work in making this course available. I loved it so much I binge watched it, just like some people do with Netflix!   - Liz Tompkins

I Got My First 3 Listings In Under 30 Days!

I have been in Real Estate investing and mentoring for several years now. I have heard about using Air Bnb to maximize your rentals but never looked into it really because I was focused on other things. I came across your program and decided to check it out. I have to say that I was very impressed with the layout of the course, the information and all the resources you provided. It was clear, and straight to the point. I am very pleased with my results after following your instructions, within 60 days I have my first listing in downtown Philadelphia and have 2 more coming within the next 30 days! I couldn't be happier. This strategy will be huge for my buy and hold business. I will definitely be recommending your strategy and course to all of my students! I really like how you suggest vendors that you use to remove your self from the daily grind so to say, that part alone is worth the price of admission! Thanks again for doing such a good, thorough job. I'm looking forward to one day catching up with you. Thanks again! - Pete Todd-Burke

First Property Listed In Less Than 7 Days.

I had never heard of Air BNB until I viewed the seminar training by Brian. Since I had lost my dear wife of almost 54 years a year earlier I decided that I had more house than I needed for just myself and that changing the open front basement into an Air BNB would be a good use of my residence. I was able just last week to get my property listed and am looking forward to a rewarding experience of added income. - Kenneth W Stoner

I Started With No Experience...

I found the content in the BnB Formula is extremely well laid out, in very actionable steps. Brian thoroughly explains, in the simplest of terms, every last detail to starting this business from scratch and with no experience. I followed each module and did exactly what Brian had laid out for me to do and I went in to my interviews with the landlords so confident and appearing so knowledgeable that no body even once questioned my experience ( I had none) this came as a shock to me since I can be very shy and try to avoid such confrontation. But after taking the course I just came in with literally everything I needed to know to hit the ground running. By week 5 I already had my first property and by week 6 or 7 I started on the 2nd one.  All the little extra tips and tricks that Brian shows you along the way goes a tremendous amount in the eyes of my guests as all my reviews have been 5 stars and the comments I have received tell me that what I am doing is a step above the rest. If you take this course and you take it seriously there is no doubt in my mind you can replicate this success as well. - Cam Audet

It was very easy to follow Brian’s training program and make it my own.

One of the things I liked best about Brian’s course was the way he instills the importance of establishing processes from the very beginning, and partnering them with tools to systematize his processes. For instance I have fallen in love with Trello and have found that it is an indispensable tool for simplifying both personal and business activities. I have set up templates on Trello to help quickly duplicate my “on boarding” and marketing processes as I pick up additional properties. I also copied Brian’s lists and made them into my own forms with my branding. This impresses the cleaning crews that I hire and helps avoid miscommunication. In addition, I have set up Lockstate WiFi locks at properties to manage them together and I have had a consultation with Guesty to understand how they will be able to support me as my business grows. Rather than setting out wine, I chose to set out a french-press Espresso Maker and fresh ground coffee with paper coffee cups — since my business is called Espresso Hosting. I am ordering labels to place on small the cups to promote my brand/logo. Overall, it was very easy to follow Brian’s training program and make it my own in the process. The video training sections are broken down into short and easy-to-follow clips that were straightforward, and quick-to-the-point so we could review as needed, or watch one again with one of my teammates. The training calls were also very informational, offered terrific ideas and were inspiring. Thank you for sharing your processes and business model with me — it has been a fun journey so far! - Lisa Taskerud

We have 6 guest bookings totaling 32 nights averaging $152 a night!

My husband Carl and I are so enjoying the BnB Formula training. Brian Page is an excellent mentor and we are please beyond mere words for his highly experienced and detailed guidance. We wanted to have vacation rental properties but were full of fear and doubt it could work for us. Having the course to follow has given us the confidence and helped us get our first property set up and going. We're happy to report we have 6 guest bookings totaling 32 nights averaging $152 a night all within the first week of our listing going live! Wow! What we like about the course is how Brian breaks the business down into simple actionable steps that we could actually accomplish week by week. We're certain taking the course shorten our learning curve tremendously. Had we not done the course, we might have made some very costly and time consuming mistakes as the wealth of knowledge we are receiving from Brian would take years on our own. Also, the weekly calls have been extremely helpful as well and make us feel we’re part of a highly exclusive and privileged inner circle since there are people from all over the world asking very good questions which Brain so graciously and expertly answers. Thank you, Brian from the bottom of our hearts for all the work you have done in putting together such a truly brilliant business model and superb training. Not having to own the properties was a stroke of pure genius and we can't wait to get our next ones going. - Suni Rae and Carl Lemke

I appreciated the course because it was simple and easy to follow. 

The step by step guidance helped me put things that I would need to start my business into action as I progressed each week. So by the time I got to the point of speaking with the first landlord, I had set up my LLC, created a website and email address, established a business address and opened a commercial bank account. This helped me to present myself and my business in a professional manner. Although it was difficult getting real estate agents to wrap their heads around the concept, when I spoke directly with landlords I found that they could understand it. I put my unit on Airbnb and within 5 hours I had my first request for a stay! I will be speaking with Guesty tomorrow because I intend to build this business effectively. The great part of this course it that I can go back and review information as I need it. Good Stuff! Thank you Brian, for sharing!! - Karen Johnson

Brian I absolutely loved “everything” about your course!

I signed up for your course on Thanksgiving Day and am truly thankful for everything you have taught me through the course.
I was already doing allot of the things the way you were. I was using Lockstate for the properties, providing a bottle of wine for my guests, bulk shampoo/conditioner/body wash dispensers and micro managing the calendar to fill the “orphan” days. My favorite part now is NOT trying to buy property! Since going through the course I have picked up 5 leases for properties by following your step by step instructions. All in two weeks! This is just the beginning of a wonderfully rewarding business.
I did fast forward the course but didn’t miss a step. I will look into guesty in the new year as I will be managing 10 properties by year end. My goal is to acquire a new property every month going forward. I cant thank you enough for your guidance and positive outlook. You are a true inspiration. I am greatful to you and the BNB Formula ... I am making it happen in Saskatchewan. :) - Sandra T

It only took 2 weeks to implement after I found a property. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. One of the easiest courses to implement. The step by step process is incredible and must be followed for success. I do believe that one doesn't need to reinvent the wheel so you just need to keep at it with MASSIVE ACTION! It only took 2 weeks to implement after I found a property. Once I did all the necessary steps, it was quite simple. But the key is to make sure your pictures are perfect. I'm the first 4 days of listing the home on Airbnb, my first full month has been nearly booked and December is nearly half way there. With a minimum amount of upfront capital, I just created cash flow out of thin air thanks to the BNB Formula. - Luis

I received my first booking request on the SECOND DAY!

I didn’t know much about AirBnB and had never even made my own reservation on AirBnB before I watched the webinar. However, Brian’s thoroughness and step by step process – along with the money back guarantee – was enough for me to sign up! I devoured the lessons and was ready to go. I felt very comfortable and not out on a limb with creating my first listing. I just kept following Brian’s instructions. Once I went LIVE, I was super excited to receive my first booking request on the SECOND DAY! Even though I wanted to say “Yes,” I asked the guest to submit a verified government ID and get it verified just like Brian said. The guest got the id verified and I welcomed my first guest within 48 hours of my listing going live. Now I’m organizing my info and going after my second listing. Thank you so much for creating your system Brian! - Delaina Gallardo

Have reserved $2,220 in reservations in 30 days.

I sat in on the webinar September 4th. Signed a lease on a 2 bedroom apartment for $995 on September 22nd. Had it furnished by September 29th. Had it listed for rent beginning October 5th. Have reserved $2,220 in reservations as of October 16th. Already working on 2 listing. Great info....thanks!!! - Troy Kingsbury

This BNB Formula online course was exceptionally well done.

I sure now that the day I've found the BNB Formula was my lucky day! It helped me and guided me all the way until I could welcome my first guest in my vacation rental house. For me as a person living in the USA only for for years, and still learning the English language, always the video course is the best way to learn.
This BNB Formula online course was exceptionally well done, I could understand everything right away. The lessons are very detailed about every issue what one can face during the first weeks. They follow each other in a the proper sequence. This way if someone doesn't have the time to watch it all at once like I did, still can start working on his Airbnb business step by step.
The supporting written materials, like e.g. checklist, they are also a tremendous help. I personally followed the guidelines very carefully and tried to do everything as it was advised by Brian. Where I didn't for some reason, I was always sorry later because either I spent to much money or spent more time than needed on that issue. I signed up with all the recommended partners, like Vivint for SmartHome system and did not regret it. I bought all the supplies where I was introduced to during the course. 
This was the only way to proceed fast enough to be able to list in less than 8 weeks from knowing absolutely nothing about this vacation rental business. 
Originally I was going to flip this investment property of my LLC. It was a fairly good deal and just in a couple of months I could have made nice profit on it. But after I read about the vacation rental opportunity, which seems to be a good business to try in Colorado Springs, I've started to look around for online courses. There are a few out there and I checked quite a few of them. But this was far the best in my opinion, and now I'm convinced about it. My investment property was still under remodeling inside and outside when I got access to the course. I started to watch the videos and found it interesting enough to watch the whole online course in 4 days. I made notes about it and the 5th day I started to work out my individual plan to be able to list as soon as I can. It was a very hard time for me, because flipping a house or prepare to list it on Airbnb, a little different story.  
But yes, I could list the property in less than 6 weeks because I just had to follow the guidelines.  After the second day of listing on Airbnb, I got the first booking. I even got lucky because it was booked for 5 weeks right away to start with. Now I'm looking forward to go after other people's property and set up the first vacation house which I don't own. I'm sure, that's where the real power of this course is and will show me, how to make money from other people's property. Thank you for your work! - Zoltan

I got a reservation in 1 week!

Thank you Brian for your BNB Formula! I learned a lot from the program and was able to get a listing after joining it! After setting up the property according to some of the tips Brian taught in the program, I got a reservation in 1 week! This is amazing! Thank you for sharing your knowledge! Can’t wait to implements more tips from the program! - Tiffany Quiroga (Lin)

I knew this BNB formula would be priceless.

I heard about BNB formula when Brian was speaking at the Airbnb Mastery Summit this year. I instantly knew that his educational program was exactly what I was looking for to take my airbnb side income and upgrade it into an actual business. It may sound like something you can figure out on your own, but I knew I could benefit from the guidance and it turned out to be a LOT more than I thought. It was a no brainer for me to invest into the course even though for me it was a significant financial risk, I knew the tested formula would be priceless. How can you put a price on not having to waste time and money on learning from your own mistakes? What I love about the course is the way it keeps me focused and not doing too much at once and all the information I wouldn’t even think of, like how to set up a legitimate business, office mailing address and more. I’m not an airbnb novice, as I’m already a super host, but I am a business novice, so it was hugely beneficial for me to have that guidance. However, I think the most priceless part of the course is all the encouragement that we’re not risking our time and money but building our financial freedom and future, that following the course there’s almost a fool-proof guarantee that we will be successful if we follow Brian’s path that he laid out for us. Thanks to the course I was able to find my first property within a month, set up my business and stay organized, as a result I'm confident, motivated and looking forward to a time-rich lifestyle which will allow me to do what I always wanted - explore the world. - Sofia Shershunovich

We highly recommend his BNBFormula course to you.

My wife Sally and I are very grateful to Brian for his course on finding properties and staging them for Airbnb rental. We had been looking for a real estate niche that would enable us to generate a new stream of income without demanding a lot of time. He does a great job of helping you think through all phases of the process to get a house or condo up and running. His monthly coaching calls have been very helpful at sharing best practices and keeping us up to date on the latest in the vacation rental industry. We highly recommend his BNBFormula course to you. - Clarke and Sally

Investing in Brian Page's BNB Formula program is one of the best investments I've ever made.

I first heard Brian speak on a Master Class webinar with Dan Kleyman - then with Cody Sperber, Cameron Dunlap and Preston Ely. I respect all these guys and I knew Brian must be the real deal to have gotten all these guys attention.  

I've been spinning my wheels for several months trying to wholesale real estate and have invested many dollars convinced I could make it work - and I will. However, when I heard Brian's plan for AirBNB and how he had earned over six figures in six months, I felt this was definitely worth a try! Especially since he was so confident that if you followed his plan, implemented the steps and host a property within 60 days, he would totally refund your investment, so what did I have to lose.

I immediately purchased Brian's BNB Formula and got to work. I followed each instruction and implemented everything exactly like Brian stated in the first four modules of the training. Everything needed to duplicate and implement the process is provided in the training modules. I'm so glad I took the steps needed and within a short time I was able to find a fabulous one bed, one bath apartment already furnished at a monthly rent I could afford. The landlord liked my professionalism and agreed to a six month lease to start. He liked the idea and is familiar with AirBNB. And yes, I used the landlord letter for my talking points. Needless to say, I will continue my BNB Formula training, continue to find great properties and plan to scale to a minimum of 10 properties over the next year! Thanks Brian and staff for all your help and for putting together this exceptional BNB Formula training. - Cathy D. Steverson, CEO

4 bookings within 6 hours!

Even though I’ve had a single vacation rental for a couple years, I could tell Brian’s training would help me take things to the next level and turn this into a real business. He explains succinctly how to get started with your first property, but the focus is on multiple properties and setting up systems to optimize efficiency. He thought of things that had never occurred to me before. I had my first property (after his training) up and online in 28 days and had 4 bookings within 6 hours! Well worth the investment. - Teri N

I want to thank you for sharing your skills with the world.

Hi Brian, I'm super excited about your program. I heard you on Jack Bosch's podcast and I knew immediately that your business plan was for me. I bought your program on a Wednesday and got my first Yes that Saturday!!!!!! I'm so excited that I had to email you about it. I'm in Guam and I got a 2bd/2ba fully furnished condo for $1200 a month with ALL utilities included! I got a yes so fast that now I need to find $2400 before Oct 30. I want to thank you for sharing your skills with the world. Its Greatly appreciated! I will be sure to let you know when I have it listed. - Keilah Johnson 

He made it clear he would want nothing more than for me to succeed.

Brian's course gave me the confidence to get out there and actually talk to homeowners that would be open to the short term rental model. I followed the guidelines closely and was quickly able to get through to homeowners that are interested in the short term rental model. The Landlord Letter and other resources provided proved to be super helpful in helping home owners gain confidence in me and my business model. When I would get stuck with a question or objection, Brian was more than willing to help and was very responsive. He made it clear he would want nothing more than for me to succeed at this. Thanks Brian! Thanks again for all your help Brian, looking forward to seeing what else you do in the future. - Kyle Barton

The short videos are informative & helpful.

I was excited by the listing results in the webinar & was confident we could achieve the same. The short videos are informative & helpful. This venture has required a lot of start up cash & we went over budget. We had one short booking, but AirBNB withholds the funds to new hosts by 30 days. So, there’s no cash flow to recoup costs for a while. We are counting on the $997 refund to help with our expenses. - Sarah Thierry

Invaluable tips that helped me tremendously setting up my 1st AIRBNB.

What I liked about the BNB Formula course was that it provided invaluable tips that helped me tremendously setting up my first AIRBNB. By following all the tips and tricks that Brian taught in his course, I have been able to generate 7 perfect 5 star reviews in my first month on the AIRBNB platform! Wahoo! A great tip for instance, NOT letting guests have an early check-in was an invaluable tip. I had this request several times, and I'm so glad I said no - I said no politely and with a reason, but still "no." Turns out the guest who wanted in early, was late, and didn't even show up til 4 hours later!  - Lynette Heale

This course was easily the best investment I have ever made as a real estate investor.

This course was easily the best investment I have ever made as a real estate investor. Being involved as a traditional real estate investor for few years, this new niche that Brian discovered to build a big airbnb business using other people's properties really caught my attention. The BnB Formula provides you with all the knowledge you need to capitalize in building a large short term rental business quickly! Brian provided great explanations and was very thorough in explaining everything that you need to complete in each module. If you have the ability to take action and be a great copycat, your confidence and excitement will grow tremendously each week. Brian’s tips and checklists provided made me confident when approaching partners needed such as the cleaning company that you will be perceived as an expert and easy to work with. I love how the course is broken down into an 8 weeks making it clear what you need to accomplish to be sure you are progressing each day. We were able to complete our first listing and are getting new inquiries and bookings every week on airbnb. We are 60 days into this journey and are onto staging our second property already! - Derek McQuaide

Unlimited potential for a 6 or 7 figure income w/o much capital or risk.

We were impressed with the simplicity of the course you offered. The attention to detail that the course offers can be easily followed by anyone who wants to start this business. The unique business model that your course offers has an unlimited potential for a six or seven figure income without much capital or risk. I have been a student of Tim Ferris's 4-hour work week for quite awhile and your system incorporates both of my passions into one easy to follow course. Love it. By following your methods the review for our first quest was outstanding. - Dale Sloan

Overall great course!

I enjoyed the course. I really liked the section on automation with cleaners and setting up serviceCEO. Also, the section on how to work with landlords was essential. Overall great course and I found a property, closed the deal and got it furnished and listed on Airbnb within about 4 weeks finishing the course. - Mike Gandia

If a person applies himself they almost cannot fail.

The course offered for me many, many details that I didn’t have to learn about the hard way – checklists, tips, what to expect etc. Brian really has done a nice job on this. If a person applies himself they almost cannot fail. I am doing this in my hometown and also in Florida where I have procured another property, I’m on my way! - Kevin Kelly

Brian’s BNB Formula was like a kick in the pants!

We had one listing when we started the course, 4 before our 8 weeks of the course were done, and 4 more in the pipeline! The practical tips are so necessary when trying to scale a business like this. Plus, the landlord letter and tips on how to approach and “court” landlords was so needed for us. This extra income from these rentals has been great for our family too- allowing us more time to spend with our kids. We recommend BNB Formula to all our friends!!! - Natalie Oman

The BNB Formula was just what I needed to start my first AirBnB. 

It is an 8 week program that is informative & gives you actions to take to keep you moving forward. Had I not bought the program I would still be researching the subject & wondering if I could actually be successful, probably to the point where I would have not taken any action at all. There were plenty of safe guards in place that allowed me to make the decision to purchase the program knowing that I could not lose. I rented an apartment & had 3 weeks booked within the first 24hrs of me publishing my AirBnB & 3 months booked with 3 days. I have just been tweaking my processes since. Thanks Brian! - Chad Rachal

Brian's program is a complete guide to getting your first property.

Just follow the steps. To date, we have reservations that make month 1 and 2 cashflow positive already. If you follow the steps, this will work for you as well. I have reviewed the material 3 times now just to tweak how things are going to make the process even tighter and more compelling for prospective guests. - Michael LoMonaco

It’s so simple I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it.

I found the course really valuable especially because i already have hosting experience. I fast tracked the course in a matter of just a few weeks because I already had hosting experience and knew these things that Brian talked about were totally doable and I was excited to make it happen. My business cards haven’t even arrived yet and I already have my first property that I don’t own! It’s so simple I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it. The property I have is in the same building that I already own in and I plan to keep all my properties within a mile radius of each other. My plan is to manage between 5- 10 properties before i quit my job. I travel a lot and this will fit in with my lifestyle just perfectly.

I learned so much about how to improve my previous listings (that I own) from this course as well so I would highly recommend it for any Airbnb hosts even if they don’t plan on accruing more properties. Thanks so much, Brian, for all your hard work in making this course available. I loved it so much I binge watched it, just like some people do with Netflix!   - Liz Tompkins
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